ds TPMS analysis of sacubitril/valsartan on macular degeneration


TPMS analysis of sacubitril/valsartan on macular degeneration

We used TPMS technology to model the response of sacubitril/valsartan drug combination on the proteins associated to heart failure (the indication) and macular degeneration (a common/recurrent adverse effect).

Download the input data and the models

The input data for the analysis, the models created using TPMS technology and the output results can be downloaded below.

Reproduce the results at SIMCELLS website

TPMS technology can be used to reproduce the results of the analysis by going to SIMCELLS website. For accession to the service, click on "Log in" and on "New registration" to facilitate your user name.



Input Protein Sets

Protein / Activation (+1 or -1) (.xlsx)


GUILDify output for sacubitril/valsartan

Link of the results page of GUILDify v2.0 using as seeds the targets of sacubitril/valsartan.


GUILDify output for heart failure

Link of the results page of GUILDify v2.0 using as seeds the proteins associated with heart failure.


GUILDify output for macular degeneration

Link of the results page of GUILDify v2.0 using as seeds the targets of macular degeneration.
