1. Administration of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in mice brain
Administration of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in 6 mice and vehicle (control) in 6 different mice. Extraction of two aliquotes (T1 and T2) from the THC mice and two other aliquotes (V1 and V2) from the vehicle mice.
2. Gene expression analysis
Identification of differentially expressed genes. Two different procedures have been used, the individual-wise analysis and the group-wise analysis.
1. Integration of the mouse interactome
The mouse interactome is generated using the protein-protein interactions integrated from various resources including IntAct, BioGRID, DIP and iRefIndex. To integrate these resources, we used BIANA.
2. Gene prioritization
We used the genes associated to cannabinoid effects as seeds to rank the genes of the mouse interactome according to the gene-prioritization algorithm from GUILD.
3. Results
We calculated the biological functions significantly enriched in the top 150/250/1000 of the ranking of prioritized genes. We found how the proteasome exerts an important role in the synapsis during cannabinoid exposure.